Tuesday, March 11, 2014

HAPPINESS Remixed Geese

It is very exciting to be able to show our groups latest finish. This weekend, I had the honour of completing the Happiness circle's January quilt.

In January, I asked the members of our circle to send me flying geese units inspired by the free quilt pattern available here. Erica of Kitchen Table Quilting designed this quilt and I think she did a beautiful job. I am so grateful for the collaboration between talented designer and generous fabric manufacturer - thank you both for sharing!

The quilting design is something I kind of made up on the fly but I'm so glad I decided to try it. It is just straight rows of loop-de-loops. I decided to start by quilting every other row I had marked and in the end, I felt that was enough. The back looks really neat (too bad I didn't think to get a photo of it!).

Besides the Happiness hanging in the tree above there is the happiness that comes from having no more snow on the ground! On Friday, it was bitterly, horribly cold and there was lots of snow outside but we had a fierce chinook on the weekend and now the snow is gone! Yay for that and thank goodness for pretty quilts to distract from the uninspiring and drab browns of winter. I was thinking this quilt looks like a bit of spring, hanging in the tree.

Please, snow, stay away. I'm ready for some colour outside!



  1. Just gorgeous! Was it difficult quilting over all those seams! I have a similar one to quilt

  2. Ooh, I love it. The colors are just great and all the points I see look perfect. Wonderful job on it. Scrappy quilts just make me happy.

  3. Fantastic! I was trying to find my pieces, but they all work so beautifully together, it's hard to pick them out :) Lucky you with no snow. We've still got FEET of it on the ground and are supposed to get another dumping tomorrow. Blech!

  4. That is a really REALLY pretty quilt. Great job!

  5. Fabulous quilt! I can't believe you can see grass!! We still have piles and piles of snow and ice, but we are deep in the trees. And it IS melting. So hooray!!
