Sunday, June 23, 2013

Zakka 2.0 - Lettered Tea Cozy

The third project in the Patchwork, Please sewalong is the Letter Tea Cozy and Tea Bag Pouch - both super cute projects. I was out of town on a course all week and spent yesterday catching up on things around the house, but I set today aside to sew. Sadly, I did not get a chance to start the Tea Bag Pouch, but here is my Tea Cozy.

My mom and dad always liked to drink tea with supper each night; I remember my mom filling up the tea pot with hot water while she made supper and then, last thing before we sat down to eat, she'd empty the tea pot, throw in a Red Rose tea bag and then add the boiling water. She had a knitted tea cozy that had a big pom-pom on top and she'd put that on right away because my dad liked his tea to be piping hot. I think I prefer my version to hers (which was lime green and yellow) - I think it's a little more updated and besides, I don't know how to knit.

I wish I could say I had a flash of genius and chose to make mine different from the pattern, but that isn't so. I managed to piece my teacup block backwards (although I do prefer it this way), and I didn't read the instructions properly and ended up with a narrow binding - but I am quite alright that as well.

I enjoyed making this project and plan to make the Tea Bag Pouch fairly soon - in fact, I'm fairly certain I'll be making more than one.

Next up: an apron, and someone has already called dibs on it! I'm okay with that just as long as she agrees to model it for me when it comes time to get a photo.

Linking up with the sewalong here.


1 comment:

  1. Your cozy is so pretty. The little pouch makes up very quickly if you feel like giving it a go sometime.
